Saturday, April 6, 2013

Neon Skies

This right here, is a Pteranodon, a large pterosaur, and in fact everybody's favorite pterosaur at that, being known for hundreds of years as a giant of the air, although it was rivaled and exceeded by some genera who were discovered much later. The whole idea of the neon skies title came when I went to the Jaffna Fort, in the north of Sri Lanka (I am a Sri Lankan, yes!) and I saw the loveliest sunset I'd ever seen.
I was with friends, and I got a bit too poetic while talking to one of them. I told her-"the sun drops its form in the west, leaving neon pink across the somber lavender skies...." or something like it.

Well, here's the origin story of this picture, and as for why it's so special, it came off my head at the most random moment.

ME and why I made this

My name is Vasika Udurawane, or just call me Vasika if you want to.I am a Sri Lankan, born and bred in this little country which, for thirty years, has been in the midst of a terrible, terrible war. I am eighteen as of this year and still schooling, and I would like to tell you that perhaps you think me vain by putting my own name as my blog name, then, do not fear, really. I am not that sorta person by a large margin actually, so let's begin by saying a few things.
Firstly, dinosaurs were my first love.
It started in the third year of my life, when I got my first little dinosaur book. I was so hooked. And I also had the genes of an artist within me. So, I began to draw them. To scribble all the dinos in the world, and thus began the greatest odyssey of my life....